
Xcom 2 time limit
Xcom 2 time limit

xcom 2 time limit

First off the melee combat is broken, and enemies can stab your soldiers through solid walls. I really wanted this game to live up to the first, but I am afraid it severely disappoints on many different levels. It's a good game that is broken by glitches and those god forsaken load times. But It doesn't feel as stacked against the player as before and the team can get some pretty powerful upgrades fairly quickly. The frustrations of the last XCOM are still there but less so, you will miss POINT BLANK shots with 95% chance, you won't be able to attack when you can clearly see a path to attack, enemies will miraculously survive with 1 bar into the next turn to waste half your team. As far as the actual game: This game is hard, I would recompensed playing on easy for anyone that hasn't played XCOM before and even those who have. It is completely unacceptable, they should be giving out refunds. And believe me when you are sitting there staring at the blue spinning XCOM logo it feels like it's 30 minutes every time. At first they aren't so bad but later on we are talking 5 to 10 minutes at the end of a mission.

Xcom 2 time limit